
With 13 years of experience in Civil underwater construction, I have experienced most things when it comes to working underwater. Civil underwater construction is a fascinating and versatile field within the diving world and is characterized by a mentality of tackling and hard work. It focuses on the construction, maintenance and repair of infrastructure that is completely or partially underwater. It includes a wide range of projects and techniques that are needed to build, repair or reinforce structures in or around water. This can take place in rivers, lakes, ports, canals and in the sea. Examples of civil underwater construction are:

  • Quay walls and ports

      The construction or reinforcement of quay walls, jetties and port facilities

  • Sheet piles and water barriers

      Installation of sheet piles to hold back water or to stabilize banks

  • Tunnels and bridges

      Construction of tunnels under water, and foundations for bridges that are in the water

  • Lock structures

      The construction and maintenance of locks for shipping traffic

  • Dikes and breakwaters

      Reinforcing dikes and constructing breakwaters to protect coasts

I have built up experience in civil underwater construction in over 13 years with work in construction pits, locks, pumping stations, quays, etc., etc. Often using techniques such as: (Underwater) welding, (underwater) burning, high-pressure spraying, low-pressure spraying, (underwater) concrete pouring, etc., etc. My motto is: What can be done above water can also be done underwater. Except for roofing, because that is not possible when it rains.


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